Monday, 21 September 2015

On Franchisee Arrangement for Distribution of Power

MERC has passed an order in  Case No. 62 of 2009 regarding appointment of  Franchisee and has made certain directions and observations, relevant of which are as follows:

1.      Franchisee is appointed through competitive bidding or through MOU route
2.      Terms and Conditions of distribution Franchisee is to be decided by the Distribution Licensee, MERC has no jurisdiction. However, MERC has suggested to evolve a common MOU/Agreement for Franchisee Agreement.
3.      Also, a Distribution Licensee  cannot refuse if either the Developer or one of the Group of consumers comes forward to become a Franchisee.
4.      The Commission further directs that the dispensation to become a Franchisee of
the Distribution Licensee in the State will be available to all the following
a) Residential colonies
b) Commercial buildings
c) Multiplexes and malls
d) Townships
e) Other single point consumers like Railways, Defence, etc.
5.      The period of Franchisee Agreement should neither be less than five (5) years norlonger than the validity of the licence period of the Distribution Licensee.

6.      Notification dated March 3, 2010,  stipulates that the developer of SEZs shall be deemed to be a distribution licensee under Clause (b) of Section 14 of the EA 2003, Link for the MERC order is
